Learn to use your phone for compelling photos of family and friends, everyday moments, nature, and travels near and far.
Take your phone camera photography to new heights with professional photographers John and Lisa Merrill. Using examples from their assignments and adventures around the world, the Merrills will share the keys to compelling images: light, design, and moment. After this class, you’ll intentionally make (versus take) high-impact photos with the camera that’s always with you.
You’ll learn about your phone camera’s powerful features (including portrait mode, burst mode for action and panorama mode for stunning landscapes and cityscapes) along with apps and accessories to extend its capabilities and nourish your creativity. John and Lisa also will share tips to help you organize your photos, optimize favorites, and combine them into compelling visual stories to treasure and share.
$62.00 (any noted materials fee included)
$82.00 (any noted materials fee included)